옥포만에... - 작품개요 :: 2004/06/02 08:41

제목 옥포만에 메아리칠 우리들의 노래를 위하여 - '90 대우조선 단협투쟁기 장르 다큐멘터리 사양 S-VHS 길이 40분 제작 한국민족예술인총연합 민중연대실천위원회 주관 다큐멘터리작가회의 제작연도 1991
Trackback Address :: http://www.lookdocu.com/trackback/59

Battle Line - Synopsis :: 2004/06/01 22:43

The workers at hyundai Heavy Industries from what is considered to be the first democratic labor union in 1987, during the heyday of Korea's democratic movement. In the ensuing years they fight and struggle to preserve the union against govemment repression and move the labor movement to a higher ground. This film accounts the story of thess workers and their union from 1987 to 1991.

1991, S-VHS, 53 min
Trackback Address :: http://www.lookdocu.com/trackback/57

전열 - 스틸(still) :: 2004/05/31 23:05

Trackback Address :: http://www.lookdocu.com/trackback/56